Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Lookin more like his Dad everday

I see my boy learns quickly how to do some proper lounging.

Looks pretty comfy if you ask me.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

2 Weeks Old!

So nothing exceptional to announce other than our first diaper rash... Poor guy. He seems to have pulled through this without an issue. A couple cute videos and then we are on to diaper change number 2000 of the day. The web says its time for crankier and hungrier babies as we enter week 3... We will keep you informed.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Drew's first bath

On other fronts, little Drew had his first bath at home today. Actually he had it the other day so don't think we are bad parents with a dirty baby... :-)

Although he was not so sure what he thought about this experience he did seem to appreciate the after effects.

Drew is almost back to his birth weight

So after a week of losing weight our little man is almost back to his original weight.

We waited and waited for the milk truck to arrive and finally it did. After losing nearly 13% of his body weight early going from 7lb13oz to 6lb13oz, we have put back on 14 oz over 4 days. SCORE! That's a big success for our little eater. They hope for 1/2 to 1 oz of weight gain a day so 3.5 oz a day in weight gain says that things are moving in the right direction. Go Drew!

Drew and his singing Nana

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Santa Claus DOES EXIST!

So its official, Santa has come to town. If you don't believe me just check out the photos to prove it. There is also a nice video of little St. Drew with his Nana singing in the background.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Drew's first Entry

Days 1-5
Drew was born Saturday 12/12. Born with quite a little cone head we are happy to see it return to its normal shape. As you can imagine he has done a lot of sleeping since coming home on Tuesday 12/15. Although he has had his moments of crying it has been manageable thanks to great work by his mommy to keep him fed and the use of "The Happiest Baby on the Block" video we rented from the library.
Simply put it is the equivalent of the Baby Whisperer...
We also decided, to great success and relief of tired parents, to implement the use of a pacifier. We were told to wait a while since we needed to master Drew's latching before we added this but after we saw such great results in his sleeping by allowing him to use it we became a fan.

Attached are some of the recent videos and pictures from the first 5 days.